
Monday, 18 December 2017

How to Maintain Healthy Hair in Winters? We do Care for your Precious Hair.

Nowadays winter season is on its boom and it is really difficult for us to take care of our hair. Therefore I have brought some amazing tips for you to maintain healthy hair. I hope these will help you in taking good care of your hair.
1) Hot water: Never ever wash your hair with hot water always wash them with cold water
2) Brush/Comb Gently: You should always brush/comb your hair gently to avoid hairfall
3) Conditioner: Use of conditioner is a must as I've seen many girls saying that they stopped using conditioner because conditioner caused hairfall, conditioner doesn't cause hairfall, your hair started falling just because you used conditioner like you use shampoo conditioner is not for your scalp that's just for your hair
4) Trim regularly: Hair should trimmed after 3 months, trimming helps hair to grow faster
5) Drink lots of Water: Yeah you read that right. Drink plenty of water as drinking lots of water helps hair to stay healthy and keep your scalp hydrated which in return means "No Dandruf"
6) Use shampoo with doesn't contain alcohol as ingredient. Alcohol completely destroys hair so while buying shampoo it should be made sure that shampoo doesn't contain alcohol.
7) Heat styling: You should avoid heat styling as much as you can because heat styling damages hair very badly
8) Cover your head: Whenever you go outside you should cover your head with hat, scarf aur cap to save your hair from damages caused by dust, smoke or air pollution.

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